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Abbott Lyon Help Centre logo

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Contact us

See when we are available and how best to reach out to us!

I haven't had a reply to my email

We will always respond to any emails and queries within two days. If it's been longer than this, please do get in touch with a member of our friendly customer service team on Livechat, and we'll be able to look into this for you 🙂We do kindly ask tha

How can I contact you?

Chat to us live 💬Just click the Chat icon at the bottom right of the website and one of our team will be there to help. If you see our ‘Help’ icon instead, it means we're offline, but don't worry, you can still leave us a message with your email and

When are customer service available?

Our friendly customer service team are available via Livechat, WhatsApp and email from 3am-10pm, Monday to Sunday. Find out how you can contact our team here ✨